Belgrade-Pristina meetings until all issues are resolved

„Meetings on expert and high political level within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will continue until mutually acceptable solutions are found.“

Izvor: B92

Friday, 28.08.2020.


Belgrade-Pristina meetings until all issues are resolved
Ilustracija: Deposit photos/lajo_2

Belgrade-Pristina meetings until all issues are resolved

After the questions of the Brussels correspondents about the conversation between Belgrade and Pristina, after which both sides issued conflicting statements, Stano repeated that the EU as a mediator doesn’t want to comment on "every step" in the process.

„The goal of expert talks is to prepare the next meeting on high political level, which is scheduled for September in Brussels, between the President of Serbia and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, but also to discuss all open issues that have to be solved in order to progress with the normalization of relations and to sign a legally binding agreement, where all the open issues will be solved once and for all“, said Stano.

EU’s spokesman adds that EU’s task, being the main mediator in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, is to enable and facilitate both sides to talk to each other, find solutions to all open issues and reach an agreement on normalization of relations.

Asked about the agenda of the meeting of the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo on September 4th in Washington and the role of USA in the normalization of relations, Peter Stano reiterated that the dialogue is „focused on legally binding agreement“ and Serbia and Kosovo’s progress on the EU path.

Individual economic projects are being solved „along the way“.

„Whatever else Serbia and Kosovo are doing, that serves as a support to the dialogue and gives sustainable results in normalization, modernization and EU path, is positive“, stated Stano.

He points out that USA is an important partner for EU and that Brussels hopes for a „positive outcome“ of cooperation and the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

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