EU declaration on Belarus: This is something Serbia needs to do

The PM Ana Brnabić says that signing the EU declaration on Belarus is something that Serbia needs to do within the synchronization of foreign policy with EU.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 27.08.2020.


EU declaration on Belarus: This is something Serbia needs to do

EU declaration on Belarus: This is something Serbia needs to do

Answering journalists’ questions during her visit to Faculty of Fine Arts, Brnabić said that she personally will never change the politics towards Belarus and reminded of the act of friendship and support of Alexander Lukashenko to Serbia, because he is the only statesman who visited our country during the NATO bombing.

„Serbia must not forget that. We have very good relationship with Belarus and the fact that we joined the declaration doesn’t mean that our relations based on friendship are changing“, stated Brnabić.

Asked whether Lukashenko would also understand Serbia’s joining the declaration, Brnabić stated that that wasn’t the question for her and that she hoped he would understand it the right way.

„We can’t forget Lukashenko’s friendship with our people during difficult times. I hope that Lukashenko won’t mind“, Brnabić told the press.

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