Prime Minister: Now is the turning point, we expect a stronger blow from the fall

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić stated today that now is the turning point for Serbia to get out of the second peak of the coronavirus epidemic.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 30.07.2020.


Prime Minister: Now is the turning point, we expect a stronger blow from the fall
Tanjug, Dimitrije Nikoliæ

Prime Minister: Now is the turning point, we expect a stronger blow from the fall

Therefore, as she adds, we should keep the current level of discipline in respecting the measures so that we would be ready for the second wave of the epidemic in the fall, when a stronger attack of the virus is expected.

Brnabic said that the state is making a plan for the fall and that a team of experts will be formed who will visit all laboratories for testing on COVID-19 in order to determine what else needs to be procured from agents, tests and laboratory material.

"Also, the team of the Serbian Medical Association and the Faculty of Medicine will visit microbiological laboratories and assess where coronavirus testing can still be done, as well as that the laboratory in Kosovska Mitrovica will be additionally helped," Brnabic told reporters in Nis after the laboratory "Fiery Eye" was opened.

The Prime Minister said that Nis did much better in the second peak than in the first, which, as she said, shows that the citizens were more disciplined and that we, as a society, will be more ready to welcome autumn.

She said that in the second peak, the situation was much more complex in Vranje and its surroundings, but that things eased there now as well, and that Vranje is no longer in the top 15 in terms of the number of infected.

Brnabić thanked the citizens for their discipline and adherence to the measures, and urged them to continue behaving in that way.

"I think this is a turning point, if we succeed now, then we are out of the second peak. We will have to maintain this level of discipline and prepare for the fall", the Prime Minister concluded.

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