It has been decided: EU remains closed to Serbs

The ambassadors of the EU member states decided to keep Serbia on the list of countries that are not allowed to travel to the EU.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 29.07.2020.


It has been decided: EU remains closed to Serbs
Ilustracija: Depositphotos/ lightsource

It has been decided: EU remains closed to Serbs

The new updated list does not include new countries, nor any countries from the Western Balkans, diplomatic sources in Brussels confirmed.

The decision of the ambassadors should be confirmed by a written procedure and then confirmed by the member states, and then officially adopted by the EU Council on August 1.

According to Tanjug, there will be no sessions of EU ambassadors during August, and the list will be updated as a matter of urgency only in case of a "drastic change in the epidemiological situation" in one of the countries.

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