Western Balkans remains devoted to EU perspective, regrets for Macedonia and Albania

Western Balkans leaders agree at Federica Mogherini's farewell dinner that the WB region remains firmly committed to Europe's future

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 30.10.2019.


Western Balkans remains devoted to EU perspective, regrets for Macedonia and Albania
Tanjug, Marina Maksimoviæ

Western Balkans remains devoted to EU perspective, regrets for Macedonia and Albania

On the other hand, they expressed deep regrets about the European Council's failure to set a date for the opening the accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania.

Western Balkans leaders that met last night on a farewell dinner in Brussels, hosted by the EU High Representative for foreign and security policy, Federica Mogherini, agreed that the region’s integration into the bloc was in the common interest of the Western Balkans and the EU.

An statement from Mogherini's office, following the talks at a working dinner, said WB leaders exchanged opinions on the EU and Western Balkans relationship and the events developing in the region.

In this context, it has been discussed what has been jointly done and achieved in the last five years.

The challenges ahead of the region were also discussed.

"The Western Balkans partners reiterated their firm commitment to the EU membership perspective, the necessary reforms on that road, which are above all for the benefit of their citizens, as well as for the regional cooperation and good neighborly relations”, the statement said.

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