Farewell to the passport stamps, our EU neighbors already launched a new procedure

European Union plans to introduce entry and exit systems at Schengen borders from 2022 that will eliminate passport stamping

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 28.10.2019.


Farewell to the passport stamps, our EU neighbors already launched a new procedure
Christopher Furlong/Staff/Getty images/Ilustracija

Farewell to the passport stamps, our EU neighbors already launched a new procedure

The system was being introduced because the alternative was to return visas and take biometric data at consular posts, Banjaluka based "Nezavisne" reports.

"The deployment of ETIAS system (which involves facial and fingerprint scanning) is planned in 2021, however, it may be delayed and deployed at a time when a new border crossing regime begins", said Katarzyna Kolanko, from the European Commission Department for security, regulation, the rule of law and fundamental rights.

Moreover, the allegations that Croatia's entry into Schengen will complicate and slow the crossing of the border between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia are false.

"Croatia already applies Schengen rules at its borders. This means that non-EU citizens are already undergoing the same procedures that will apply when Croatia enters Schengen. Therefore, we do not expect any slowdown or other problems on the occasion of border crossing", Kolanko states.

Since there will be no stamping after the start of the new system implementation, this means that all data will be checked by scanning itself, without passport scrolling. Kolanko states that in this way it will be very quickly verified that the person has exceeded the three-month stay limit in the Schengen area.

"The system will check the name, validity of the document, fingerprint and facial scanning. Not only will there be any additional workload for those traveling, but crossing the border will become quick and easy", she underlined.

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