McAllister: Serbia had to ensure exit strategy for the Agreement with Eurasian Union

The agreement with Eurasian Union (EAEU) has to have a clause which guarantees Serbia’s right to leave the EAEU union after it's EU accession

Izvor: Radio Free Europe

Friday, 30.08.2019.


McAllister: Serbia had to ensure exit strategy for the Agreement with Eurasian Union

McAllister: Serbia had to ensure exit strategy for the Agreement with Eurasian Union

European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman and until recently a Rapporteur of this institution to Serbia David McAllister said for Radio Free Europe.

He said for Radio Free Europe that the text of EAEU bilateral free trade agreement should be in line with Belgrade's commitments arising from the Stabilization and Association Agreement, that is, it should consist of "an exit clause that guarantees Serbia's right to leave the EAEU upon joining EU".

"Serbia has to ensure the compatibility of all of its agreements on trade, investments, economic cooperation and other relevant agreements with the EU acquis chapters", McAllister said.

European Commission informed that Serbia has to terminate new trade agreement with the Russian Eurasian Economic Union upon EU accession.

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