Pacolli called Haradinaj a liar?

President of the New Kosovo Alliance Behgjet Pacolli expressed confidence that the new government in Pristina would abolish 100 percent import tariffs

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 28.08.2019.


Pacolli called Haradinaj a liar?
Foto: EPA/EFE Valdrin Xhemaj

Pacolli called Haradinaj a liar?

"The leaders claiming that the taxes will not be abolished are lying. It is not fair to mislead the voters", Pacolli said for RTK.

He said that the introduction of tariffs was at first "a reasonable move", but that some of the vital problems that Pristina faces should have been resolved in the course of this process.

The former Foreign Affairs Minister at Interim Pristina institutions said the new government would pave the way for the dialogue and added that a final agreement with Serbia should be reached.

"Kosovo is perceived today as a country that blocks dialogue, as a country that does not listen and does not work with its friends, claiming that we have had support before, but that we are now facing with the lack of that support. We hope to regain that support and trust again," Pacolli said.

Ramush Haradinaj, former Kosovo Prime Minister, who resigned from the post after receiving an invitation to a hearing at the Hague Special Tribunal for the crimes committed by KLA, and thereby initiating early parliamentary elections, said on Tuesday that if he wins the election again he will not abolish imposed tariffs to Serbian goods.

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