UNESCO puts brakes on Erdogan - Hagia Sophia can't be mosque

Changing Istanbul-based Hagia Sophia's World Heritage Site status would require approval by UNESCO.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 27.03.2019.


UNESCO puts brakes on Erdogan - Hagia Sophia can't be mosque
(EPA-EFE, file)

UNESCO puts brakes on Erdogan - Hagia Sophia can't be mosque

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday again suggested turning Hagia Sophia, originally a Byzantine Christian cathedral, into a mosque - after making a proposal on Sunday, which "triggering a reaction from Athens."

Hagia Sophia was built in the 6th century and was the main seat of the Greek Orthodox Church before it was turned into a mosque following the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople (now Istanbul) in 1453.

The site became a museum after the formation of modern secular Turkey in 1923, the report said.

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