Exhibition about Croat WW2 death camp to open at UN

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic will officially open a Serbian-Jewish exhibition "Jasenovac - the Right Not to Forget."

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 23.01.2018.


Exhibition about Croat WW2 death camp to open at UN
The Jasenovac memorial at the site of the former death camp (Tanjug, file)

Exhibition about Croat WW2 death camp to open at UN

The exhibition is the first staged at the UN by the GH7 international expert group of historians from seven countries, 72 years after the end of the Second World War.

The group is headed by is Gideon Greif, a world-renowned expert for Auschwitz, Majdanek, Jasenovac, and the Sonderkommandos, a statement said.

The coordinator of the Serbian-Jewish academic project "Jasenovac" is Ambassador Ljiljana Niksic, and the cooperation is based on the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Ministry of Education of Serbia and the Holocaust Institute Shem Olam in March 2017, with the aim to jointly organize exhibitions, scientific conferences and education programs about Jasenovac.

"The exhibition represents a modest contribution to the preservation of the universal values of humanity and the global efforts of the UN in order to prevent the onset of the revision and rehabilitation of neo-Nazi and neo-fascist ideologies of exclusion and all forms of discrimination and fanaticism," the government said on its website.

The exhibition also supports UNICEF's efforts to protect the most vulnerable category of population by fostering the right of the child to a happy childhood, bearing in mind that Jasenovac was also a camp for children.

The main goal of the exhibition is to foster a culture of remembrance of Serbian, Jewish, Roma and anti-fascist victims of the Holocaust and genocide in Jasenovac, one of the most brutal and most notorious of the eight extermination camps set up during the Second World War.

Jasenovac was established and operated from 1941 until 1945 by the Nazi-allied Independent State of Croatia (NDH), a wartime entity ruled by the Ustasha regime, and was a place of mass imprisonment and killing of Serbs, Jews, and Roma.

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