Croatia sends diplomatic note to Slovenia in border dispute

Croatia's Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs sent a diplomatic note to Slovenia on Thursday, Beta is reporting.

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 29.12.2017.


Croatia sends diplomatic note to Slovenia in border dispute
Zagreb (

Croatia sends diplomatic note to Slovenia in border dispute

The Croatian ministry also "urged Slovenia's government to refrain from unilateral moves and engage in constructive dialogue on solving the border issue and avoiding incidents," and calls upon Slovenia "to remain devoted to the peaceful resolving of open issues, as befits the two neighboring countries, EU members and allies in NATO."

But the note warned at the same time that "unilateral measures aimed at changing the situation at sea against the interests of the Republic of Croatia, would be unacceptable."

"Any such move would be unacceptable, wherein measures that would entail threat with force or implementation of force, would represent grave violations of international law, according to the UN Charter," the Croatian ministry said in a statement.

This comes after Slovenia announced earlier in the week it would start implementing the ruling of The Hague-based Court of Arbitration concerning the disputed sea border with Croatia in the Piran Bay.

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