Serbian and Albanian PMs speak at panel in Morocco

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic participated on Friday at the first plenary session of the World Policy Conference (WPC) in Marrakesh, Morocco.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 03.11.2017.


Serbian and Albanian PMs speak at panel in Morocco

Serbian and Albanian PMs speak at panel in Morocco

The prime ministers of Serbia and Albania concluded that the Western Balkan region, despite the political, economic and social challenges it faces, must focus on building good relations, stability and progress.

Serbia is strongly committed to regional cooperation and economic integration, because the economy is a key driver of all integration processes and the further development of all countries in the region, Brnabic pointed out.

Kosovo and the unilaterally declared independence, which Serbia does not recognize, remains a point of disagreement between Serbia and Albania. Brnabic and Rama agreed though that there are a number of topics about which there is consensus and cooperation, the Serbian government said on its website, and added that "the path of cooperation and reconciliation, initiated after more than six decades was by Aleksandar Vucic and Edi Rama, is an example of responsible politics and positive changes."

"Serbia is deeply committed to this process and the deepening of cooperation and understanding with Albania. Although we do not agree on the issue of unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo, we do our best not to affect the constructiveness of our relations and the dialogue we have established," Brnabic pointed out at the panel.

Serbia has always firmly advocated the respect for international law and standards in international politics, as we have also always said that Pandora's box will be opened if the one-sided declared independence of Kosovo is accepted, the prime minister stated.

She added that international law is here to ensure a more stable, predictable and safer world order, and certainly a more stable and secure Europe.

Brnabic stated that regardless of differences, Serbia will always first take care of the quality of life of all its citizens and their security, and that is why we are conducting an open dialogue with Pristina in order to solve the most important issues for citizens by mutual agreement between the two sides.

Rama "praised the efforts of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the responsible policy of the dialogue he initiated, adding that it is good that the government led by Brnabic continued this policy and is fostering friendly relations between the two countries."

Speaking about the foreign policy priorities of Serbia, the Prime Minister stressed that EU membership is a key foreign policy goal of Serbia, adding that the reforms that Serbia is pursuing on the road to the EU should show not only our commitment to the European path, but above all improve the quality of life of all our citizens.

The prime minister recalled that Serbia has opened 10 chapters in the negotiations with the EU, and that the government of Serbia will continue on the European path to responsibly implement political and economic reforms.

Just as the region of the Western Balkans needs the EU, the EU also needs the region because without a stable region there is no stability in the EU either, she said, concluding that Serbia will continue to build relations that lead us all together in the future and provide better living conditions and a higher standard and quality of life to all citizens.

The World Policy Conference (WPC) is taking place November 3-5, with participation of more than 120 senior officials from around the world.

While in Morocco, Brnabic will also meet with her Moroccan counterpart Saadeddine Othmani.

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