Croatian official says "all evil comes from Belgrade"

President of the Serbian Commission on Missing Persons Veljko Odalovic has walked out of a conference in Zagreb, Croatia.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 28.08.2017.


Croatian official says
(Tanjug, file)

Croatian official says "all evil comes from Belgrade"

The conference, held under the title,"The process of exhumation and identification of the remains of missing persons in the territory of the Republic of Croatia" - was organized in order to "speed up the process of searching for missing persons, and inform family members and the general public about the problems and obstacles that are challenging to this process," Tanjug reported on Monday.

During his introductory speech, Sucic - who also heads Croatian Government's Commission on Detained and Missing Persons - instead of presenting a report. made numerous insults against Serbia and its institutions.

Among other things, he said that "a Greater Serbia aggression" had been carried out against Croatia - and that the former JNA (Yugoslav People's Army) had "occupied" territories belonging to this former Yugoslav republic - and "committed numerous serious crimes."

Odalovic left the conference when Sucic said that "all evil in the region comes from Belgrade."

Before walking out, the Serbian official remarked that it was "disgraceful to abuse such a gathering" and that he "will not allow the state of Serbia to be insulted in this way."

He told Tanjug in a telephone statement that the intensity of the Croatian host's sentiment was "so pronounced" that staying would have been "humiliating."

Odalovic also pointed out that Serbia remains "absolutely committed to solving the fate of missing persons and considers this a priority."

"It is a humanitarian, civilizational and political issue that will certainly not be solved by such attitudes of the officials of the Republic of Croatia," Odalovic said.

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