In May, Zaev was "neutral" on Kosovo's UNESCO bid

The Macedonian government says it will take into account the position of "the majority of EU countries" when it comes to voting on Pristina's UNESCO bid.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 21.08.2017.


In May, Zaev was

In May, Zaev was "neutral" on Kosovo's UNESCO bid

This announcement came only three and a half months after now Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that his country would be "neutral" if this vote came up again.

Beta also said that "some media" - including Macedonia's Makfaks and Russia's Sputnik - reported that the reason for Belgrade's decision to withdraw the entire staff of its embassy in Skopje was Macedonia's plan to vote in favor of Pristina's possible new UNESCO bid.

In addition, Makfaks said, citing unnamed sources, that Belgrade had learned Macedonia would be the country to table the proposal to allow Pristina to join UNESCO - i.e., suggest this as an item on the agenda.

Speaking later on Monday, Vucic said that Serbian diplomats have been withdrawn after evidence was received of "very offensive activities against Serbian authorities and institutions."

The Macedonian government also announced today that it was "always following state interests based on the principle of good-neighborly relations and regional cooperation, neutrality, and non-interference in disputes among states."

According to media reports, "Macedonia was still awaiting Belgrade's official explanation" for the withdrawal of the Serbian embassy's staff.

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