Dacic: Slim chance of me becoming PM - West doesn't like me

Foreign Minister and SPS leader Ivica Dacic says his chances of succeeding Aleksandar Vucic as prime minister are "slim."

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 31.05.2017.


Dacic: Slim chance of me becoming PM - West doesn't like me

Dacic: Slim chance of me becoming PM - West doesn't like me

Dacic also said that "his priority now" is for a new government to be elected in the shortest period of time, and for his mandate as acting PM - assumed once Aleksandar Vucic, who will on Wednesday become Serbia's president, resigned as PM - to end "as soon as possible."

It is still unknown who will replace Vucic at the helm of the government. According to the new president, the candidates include Dacic, "somebody" from the ruling SNS party, and a non-partisan figure.

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