Vucic discusses "Greater Albania" with Russian official

Aleksandar Vucic and Leonid Slutsky, chair of the Russian Duma Committee on International Affairs, met in Belgrade and discussed "the situation in the region."

Izvor: B92

Friday, 19.05.2017.


Vucic discusses

Vucic discusses "Greater Albania" with Russian official

The Serbian prime minister also "stressed Serbia's commitment to a policy bringing peace and cooperation to the region."

Vucic expressed his gratitude for the understanding shown by Russia for the views and policies of Serbia, without deviating from the principled position that respects Serbia's territorial integrity and does not recognize the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo.

He stressed that Serbia, considering the economic progress it achieved, wants to improve economic cooperation with Russia, and expects the participation of Serbian ministers at the St. Petersburg forum in early June to be an opportunity to discuss concrete forms of cooperation.

Slutsky said that parliamentary cooperation provides a special contribution to the relationship between the two countries, and announced closer ties in this area.

In this context, he announced the official visit to Serbia by chairman of Russia's State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin.

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