Russia shares Serbia's deep concerns over Haradinaj decision

Russia shares Serbia’s deep concerns over the politicized <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">decision of a French court</a> which ruled to set free notorious Kosovo militant leader Ramush Haradinaj.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 28.04.2017.


Russia shares Serbia's deep concerns over Haradinaj decision
(Beta/AP, file)

Russia shares Serbia's deep concerns over Haradinaj decision

"We believe all the Kosovo politicians involved in war crimes must be held responsible regardless of their current posts. The double standards of Paris are a vivid example of connivance in the face of the increasingly aggressive pursuit of the Greater Albania project capable of upsetting the fragile stability and causing a relapse of the bloody conflict in the Balkans," the statement said.

The Russian MFA added that the sides "confirmed mutual willingness to consolidate and develop strategic partnership between Russia and Serbia, and pursue close interaction in joint projects."

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