16 Customs officials arrested on corruption charges

The police have arrested 16 officials of the Serbian Customs Administration, along with one "responsible person" from a company.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 24.04.2017.


16 Customs officials arrested on corruption charges

16 Customs officials arrested on corruption charges

Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said on Monday that the Customs officials are suspected of "fictitiously discharging" various goods, above all cigarettes supposedly meant for various embassies and international organizations in Serbia.

According to Stefanovic, this went on for almost a year, and resulted in "acceptance of incomplete, irregular and falsified documentation" that was used to render the goods in question free of customs, tax, excise, and other duties.

The Interior Ministry (MUP) carried out the operation in cooperation with the Customs Administration and the Prosecution.

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