CoE commissioner "concerned about Slovenian Aliens Act"

Council of Europe (CoE) Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muiznieks says he remains concerned about the Slovenian Aliens Act.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 27.01.2017.


CoE commissioner

CoE commissioner "concerned about Slovenian Aliens Act"

“While the latest legislative revisions introduce an individualized identification procedure, I remain concerned that the amendments to the Slovenian Aliens Act adopted yesterday (Thursday) violate Slovenia’s international human rights obligations, as I stated in my recent letter to the President of the National Assembly."

"The amendments, which would be activated when the migration situation ‘jeopardizes public order and national security’, fall short of providing appropriate guarantees against refoulement, as well as onward refoulement by a neighboring country, and of establishing adequate safeguards for the right of every person to seek and enjoy asylum," the CoE official said.

An individualized identification process is necessary - "but not enough in itself, if migrants are still denied a proper examination of their personal circumstances and asylum request, and left without an effective remedy," Muiznieks wrote, and added:

"The adoption of this legislation is a negative step that may have repercussions on the human rights of migrants and asylum seekers in the whole region. I encourage the Slovenian authorities to reconsider these exceptional measures and to ensure fair procedures in line with European and international standards. I look forward to discussing this matter further with the authorities during my upcoming visit to Slovenia in March.”

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