Dodik: Sanctions against me work of losers in U.S. elections

RS President Milorad Dodik says those who suffered defeated in the elections in the United States have imposed <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">sanctions</a> on him.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 18.01.2017.


Dodik: Sanctions against me work of losers in U.S. elections
(Tanjug, file)

Dodik: Sanctions against me work of losers in U.S. elections

"These are not sanctions of the United States, these are sanctions of those who were defeated in elections in the U.S. and I'm not surprised by this move, because I have heard so many threats from this outgoing administration over the last ten years," said Dodik, and added:

"The reprisal followed, but it probably wouldn't have happened had I not been invited to the inauguration of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump. They could not bear to see me. The sanctions are a personal move of those who understand politics as a policy of force."

"The decision was announced by an administration that will two days from now go into political history, and it yet remains to be seen whether they had any suggestions from here for such a decision," he said.

"This is also Mrs. Cormack's personal revenge, not that of U.S. officials," Dodik said, referring to the U.S. ambassador to Bosnia-Herzegovina.

"She has been informing falsely about the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina. She bears full responsibility for such a cynical move that she has made. She is a proven enemy of the Serbs and of the RS," said the leader of the Serb entity in Bosnia.

Dodik added that he expects the new authorities in the U.S. to urgently withdraw Maureen Cormack from her post in Sarajevo, "and criminally prosecute her for interference in the internal affairs of Bosnia-Herzegovina and for violations of the Dayton Agreement."

He also asked the foreign minister of Bosnia-Herzegovina to declare the ambassador persona non grata.

Dodik said he felt "proud" and did not perceive the sanctions as punishment - "as he didn't want to bargain with the RS interests."

"The decision is useless because those who made it know I have no assets or bank accounts in the U.S. or abroad, except in Serbia," he said.

According to the RS leader, "what's important is that these are not sanctions against the RS."

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