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No good news from Washington; The police: There're no survivors among the found passengers PHOTO/VIDEO

An American Airlines passenger plane with 60 passengers and four crew members crashed into the Potomac River after colliding with a military helicopter while landing at the Ronald Reagan National Airport in Washington.


No good news from Washington; The police: There're no survivors among the found passengers PHOTO/VIDEO


More than 300 rescuers were sent to the accident site, but the weather conditions are bad and the search for the passengers, or their bodies, is extremely difficult, since the collision occurred in the early hours of the morning. Also, air and water temperatures are low.

Minute by minute, the details of this terrible accident are leaking, and U.S. President Donald Trump immediately spoke out.

Rescuers and local officials said all passengers were believed to have died, making the tragedy one of the deadliest in the US.

In the light of the tragedy that occurred when an American passenger plane and a helicopter collided at Ronald Reagan Airport in Washington, an athlete miraculously survived this accident because he was forbidden to board the plane at the last minute.

Let's recall that last night there was a collision between the Black Hawk helicopter of the American army and a passenger plane, in which the pilot of the helicopter crashed into the plane, despite the warnings of the air traffic control.

The rescuers and the police suspect that everyone died, 60 passengers of the plane, with four crew members, as well as three soldiers from the "Black Hawk".

The passenger plane caught fire and exploded during the collision, and then fell into the river in parts. The helicopter also crashed into the river.

He didn't board the plane...

On the plane, among others, were athletes, Russian figure skaters, many of whom are children of Russian emigrants.

They participated in the USA National Championships in Wichita and were returning from the competition.

American figure skater John Maravilla said that "there were at least 14 athletes" on the plane, not counting their coaches and family members.

It was Maravilla who told the Russian news agency RIA Novosti that he avoided the tragedy because he was not allowed to board the plane that later crashed at the airport - because of his dog.

Namely, during boarding, the athlete was told that his dog was too big to be transported on the plane for which he had a ticket, so after a brief attempt to convince the authorities to let him go, Maravilla eventually gave up trying to board and decided to transport by road to Washington.

That's how he survived the tragedy, which sports agent Ari Zakarian says, the plane was not boarded only by skaters, but also former Russian coaches who now work in the United States.

According to the latest, still unconfirmed information, at least 30 bodies have been pulled from the Potomac River.

Police: For now, there are no survivors among the passengers found

Finding the black box

They were on the plane?

World champions were with their son?

Besides the confirmation that the 1994 world figure skating champions Yevgenia Shishkova and Vadim Naumov were on the passenger plane, it is suspected that the young hope of figure skating, their son Maxim, who is only 23 years old, was also on this plane with his family.


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