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Greenlanders: YES!

More than half of the inhabitants of Greenland support the idea of ​​joining the United States of America, according to the results of a survey conducted by the non-governmental organization "Patriot Polling".

Izvor: Novosti

Greenlanders: YES!
Tanjug/(Ida Marie Odgaard/Ritzau Scanpix via AP


A total of 57.3 percent of respondents supported the idea of ​​joining the USA, 37.4 percent were against it.

At the same time, 5.3 percent were undecided.

The survey was conducted from Monday, January 6, to Saturday, January 11, and a total of 416 Greenlanders were surveyed.

Let us recall that the newly elected US President Donald Trump said on January 7 that Greenland should join the US in order to ensure national security and protection from what he called the "Chinese and Russian threat".

Greenland is a self-governing autonomous territory under the sovereignty of Denmark.


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