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Moscow is furious: It is poisonous; It will cause organ failure

The spokeswoman of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, stated today that Russia has evidence that the Armed Forces of Ukraine used white phosphorus ammunition in September.

Izvor: Tanjug

Moscow is furious: It is poisonous; It will cause organ failure


She said that Russian law enforcement agencies, together with the Russian Ministry of Defense, obtained evidence of the reuse of white phosphorus ammunition, which was dropped from drones, and that everyone involved will be held accountable, Ria Novosti reports.

According to Zakharova, this fact indicates that Ukraine possesses chemical weapons that have not been disposed of in accordance with international regulations, as well as the possibility of synthesizing highly toxic poisonous substances containing phosphorus.

"The incendiary ammunition filled with white phosphorus used by the Ukrainians is an indiscriminate weapon and is prohibited by Protocol 3 of the Geneva Convention. These atrocities and those involved in them will inevitably be punished," she said.

Ammunition with white phosphorus is highly flammable and extremely poisonous, and white phosphorus is poisonous to humans, it can enter deep into the bloodstream through the skin and thus poison the kidneys, liver and heart, but also lead to the failure of numerous organs.


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