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It's confirmed: Military base "surrounded"; NATO in danger

Drones were spotted over the US Ramstein Air Base in Germany at the beginning of December, the spokesperson of the US Air Force confirmed today.

Izvor: Tanjug

It's confirmed: Military base "surrounded"; NATO in danger


The drones did not affect the people at the base or the facilities, the spokesman said, Reuters reported.

"In agreement with the authorities of the host country, we continue to monitor the airspace to ensure the safety of the community," he pointed out.

A security source told Reuters that German authorities had not tracked down the drone operators, but had ruled out the possibility that the drones were piloted by amateurs.

Earlier today, the German newspaper Spiegel reported, citing a confidential report by German security authorities, that unidentified drones had been spotted over sensitive industrial sites and the US Ramstein Air Base in Germany in recent weeks.

The report said multiple drones were spotted on the evening of December 3 and 4 over Ramstein, the source said.

It is pointed out that drones have also been spotted over sites belonging to the German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall and the chemical company BASF.

The origin of the drones is said to be unknown. Ramstein Air Base is located in the southwest of Germany and is used as the headquarters of the US Air Force in Europe and the air commands of NATO member countries.


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