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Mass destruction of Ukraine: 800 guided bombs, 460 drones, over 20 missiles, sirens sound VIDEO

Over the past week, Russia has launched over 800 guided bombs, so-called. KAB bombs, almost 460 drones and more than 20 missiles, said the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.

Izvor: The Kyiv Independent

Mass destruction of Ukraine: 800 guided bombs, 460 drones, over 20 missiles, sirens sound VIDEO


"Air raid sirens sounded almost daily across Ukraine this week. Just last night our air defense forces managed to shoot down about 50 attack drones," Zelensky wrote on the Telegram channel on Sunday, sharing a video showing Russian attacks across the country.

Kyiv Independent reminds that on November 21, Russia also targeted Ukraine with a new medium-range ballistic missile (IRBM), called "Oreshnik", and on that occasion, Zelensky stated in the same message that his country is not a testing ground for weapons.

"Ukraine is not a weapons testing ground. Ukraine is a sovereign, independent country. Nevertheless, Russia persists in its attempts to destroy our people, spread fear and panic, and weaken us," Zelensky said.

He also reiterated the urgent need for increased air defense.

"Ukraine needs more air defense systems and we are working on that with our partners. The key is to strengthen the protection of our skies," he said.

By the way, the IRBM attack followed the Ukrainian attack on Russian territory by American ATACMS.


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