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Orbán: They want to get rid of me and establish a "puppet" regime

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in his recent speech that the EU is trying to overthrow his government and establish a puppet regime in Hungary.


Orbán: They want to get rid of me and establish a "puppet" regime
EPA-EFE/Szilard Koszticsak


He said this in front of thousands of supporters in Budapest on Wednesday, reports Newsweek.

He gave a speech on the occasion of the Hungarian national holiday commemorating the anti-Soviet uprising of 1956 and drew parallels between the historical foreign occupation and contemporary EU policy.

"An independent Hungarian policy is unacceptable for Brussels. That's why they announced there that they will get rid of the national government of Hungary. They also announced that they will establish a puppet government in Brussels," Orbán said, but did not provide any evidence to support his claims.

The EU has not publicly responded to these accusations.

"Will we obey the foreign will or will we resist it? I suggest that our answer be clear and unambiguous, just like it was in 1956," Orbán said.

Let us recall that the relations between Hungary and the European Union have been strained for years, especially because of Orbán's attitude towards democratic institutions and his position on the war in Ukraine.

Hungary has repeatedly blocked or delayed EU measures to help Ukraine and impose sanctions on Russia, prompting critics to accuse Orbán of prioritizing Russia's interests over those of EU and NATO allies.

"Brussels bureaucrats led the West into a senseless war. In their opinion, this is a war of the West against Russia. Now they want to openly push the entire European Union into a war in Ukraine," added Orbán.

He also said that the EU plans to station Ukrainian soldiers in Hungary after a future victory.

"We Hungarians would wake up one morning and find that Slavic soldiers from the east are stationed on Hungarian territory again. We don't want that, but the pressure from Brussels is getting stronger every day," he told his supporters.

Let's recall that in 2022, the European Parliament declared that Hungary can no longer be considered a democracy, and the EU denied it billions in financial support due to alleged violations of the rule of law.


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