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Nuclear bombs loaded: Soldiers ready PHOTO

Today, NATO begins its annual nuclear exercise, in which approximately 2,000 military personnel from eight air bases will participate over the next two weeks, emphasizing that it is not a response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Nuclear bombs loaded: Soldiers ready PHOTO


However, this is a clear signal to Moscow that NATO is ready to defend itself, writes

In the "Steadfast Noon" exercise, 60 aircraft will participate in training flights over Western Europe. These include fighter jets capable of carrying US nuclear bombs stationed in Europe and long-range bombers, as well as surveillance and refueling aircraft.

None of the exercises will involve combat weapons, NATO said.

This year's exercise will take place at air bases in Belgium and the Netherlands, as well as in the airspace over Britain, Denmark and the North Sea.

Participating aircraft come from a total of 13 alliance countries.

NATO stresses that Steadfast Noon is a "routine and repetitive training activity", an annual two week training exercise for member countries in handling nuclear weapons, and not a response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. But they intend to send a clear signal to Moscow that NATO is ready to defend itself with nuclear weapons if necessary.

"Nuclear deterrence is the cornerstone of Allied security," NATO chief Mark Rutte said.

"Steadfast Noon," he added, is an important test of the Alliance's nuclear deterrent and sends a clear message to any adversary that NATO will protect and defend all allies.


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