World 0



It started; The raid was carried out by commandos, elite marines, paratroopers; Another country attacked

The Israeli army (IDF) has begun limited ground operations in southern Lebanon against the Hezbollah militant group and infrastructure located along Israel's northern border, The Times of Israel reported this morning.

Izvor: Tanjug

It started; The raid was carried out by commandos, elite marines, paratroopers; Another country attacked


The IDF said this morning that the incursion began last night and that the target was Hezbollah infrastructure in a number of Lebanese villages along the border that posed a threat to Israeli cities.

The ground troops were assisted by air and artillery forces, the army said, adding that the operation was based on plans drawn up by the IDF General Staff and Northern Command.

The confirmation that Israeli troops are operating on the Lebanese side of the border came hours after conflicting reports emerged on social media and in some Arab media about whether any troops had already crossed the border.

Lebanese troops further fueled speculation when they withdrew about five kilometers from positions along the border late Monday.

The start of the IDF ground offensive came about two weeks after intensified fighting with Hezbollah.


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