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The end of the war? VIDEO

The armed forces of Ukraine practically do not have ammunition for the "Patriot" and "Iris T" air defense systems, so they can no longer oppose air attacks by Russian troops, according to British expert Alexander Mercouris.

Izvor: Novosti

The end of the war? VIDEO


"All along the front line, there are attacks on tactical positions of the Ukrainian army using Russian missiles and drones. There is no indication that the Ukrainian armed forces have any organized air defense. I wonder what happened to all the Patriot and Iris T missiles? Apparently there are none," Mercouris said on his YouTube channel.

According to him, at the moment, the Western air defense systems supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine either practically do not exist or are seriously lacking.

"So, either Ukraine has run out of Patriot and Iris T missiles and all the reserves have been destroyed, or there are so few of them that now the Ukrainian Armed Forces are forced to save them in order to prepare for who knows what," the analyst concluded, as Sputnik reports.

Russia believes that arms deliveries to Ukraine hinder the resolution of the situation, directly involve NATO countries in the conflict and represent "playing with fire".

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pointed out that any cargo containing weapons for Ukraine will become a legitimate target for Russia.

According to him, the US and NATO are directly participating in the conflict, including not only by supplying weapons, but also by training soldiers in Great Britain, Germany, Italy and other countries.

The Kremlin said that "pumping" Ukraine with weapons from the West does not contribute to the negotiations and will have a negative effect.


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