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Another bridge collapsed; The number of dead exceeded 20; Official: State of emergency

In the floods that hit Central and Eastern Europe, there are dead and missing people, in many cities the evacuation of the population has been ordered due to the flood waves that are still expected.

Izvor: B92

Another bridge collapsed; The number of dead exceeded 20; Official: State of emergency


The floods affected Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary...

Budapest is preparing for a water wave, the army is also engaged. 


A state of emergency has been declared in a Slovak village on the border with Hungary

The Slovak village of Chľaba, which is located near the border with Hungary, today declared a state of emergency due to the rising water level of the Danube in that region, which is expected to reach its peak on Thursday, reports TASR.

This comes after a meeting of the local crisis team in Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.

Earlier today, the cross-border bridge in Chľaba, which connects Slovakia and Hungary, was closed due to rising water levels in the Ipeľ River.

According to the police, so far no problems related to unfavorable weather conditions caused by cyclone "Boris" have been reported on the territory of the Nitra region.

At the same time, the number of victims of the floods in Central and Eastern Europe increased to 18, and volunteers in the Polish city of Nysa put up ramparts to protect the city from water.

Overnight, volunteers helped rescuers set up sandbags to repair a damaged embankment in Nysa, a city of 40,000 in southern Poland, which was ordered to evacuate early this morning, reports Reuters.

The Czech Republic sent aid to Poland

Photos from Italy

The number of flood victims rose to 21

Central Europe is dealing with the consequences of what some meteorologists have described as the worst flooding in the region in nearly 30 years.

The death toll in Poland, Hungary, Romania and Austria rose to 21.

The town of Nysa, in southwestern Poland, continues to strengthen its defenses despite local authorities in the province confirming that water levels have receded.

Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia are still on alert as more heavy rain is forecast.

The Italian regions of Emilia-Romagna and Lazio have activated a yellow weather warning for heavy rain and thunderstorms.

Romania has declared a state of emergency for the districts of Galati and Vaslui, which will remain in force until October 16.

Poland has also declared a state of natural disaster.

The Czech Insurance Association estimates that the flood could end up costing the country 17 billion crowns (677 million euros).

Several affected countries, mainly Poland and the Czech Republic, can expect serious traffic disruptions after extensive damage to their railway systems.

Traffic on the Danube in Austria remains closed.

Seven lives lost in flood in Romania

Poland under water


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