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Putin: Maybe you believe me, maybe not... I agreed

Putin announced that a few days before the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, he agreed to exchange him for certain Russian prisoners abroad.

Izvor: Tanjug, Beta/AFP

Putin: Maybe you believe me, maybe not... I agreed
Tanjug/AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko


Russian president, who, according to the results of the Central Election Commission, won the presidential elections. again, pointed out that some colleagues, who are not administration officials, informed him that there is an idea to exchange Navalny for some people who are in prison in Western countries, reports Interfax.

"Maybe you believe me, maybe not, but the person who spoke to me hasn't finished the sentence yet, I said that I agree," Putin told reporters at a conference on the presidential election.

He noted that there was one condition for that, namely that Navalny not return to Russia. Russian president also called the death of the oppositionist a "sad event", and at the same time mentioned that this is not an isolated case of the death of a prisoner, but that it happens in prisons all over the world.

It could lead to a Third World War

In a public address last night, Putin also said the presence of Western troops in Ukraine could bring the world to the brink of World War III, noting that he thought no one wanted such a scenario.

Putin said in his election headquarters that Russia must think about who it could talk to about achieving peace in Ukraine, suggesting that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is not a possible interlocutor in the negotiations, RIA Novosti reported.

Putin pointed out that the reaction of Western countries to the elections in Russia was expected, because, as he stated, they are fighting with armed means against the Russian Federation and trying to curb the country's development.

"People trust me. Thank you, Russians"

President of Russia said that the first results of the presidential elections, in which he will obviously be the winner, showed the "confidence" of Russians in his government.

"There are many concrete and important tasks that we need to fulfill. The election results testify to the trust of the citizens of the country and their hope that we will do everything we planned," Putin said in a televised speech after the first estimates, according to which he won more than 87 percent of the vote.

Putin thanked Russians for voting in the presidential election.

"First of all, I would like to thank the citizens, we are all one team. I want to thank all the citizens of Russia who went to the polling stations and voted," added Putin.

According to him, Russia will not allow itself to be "intimidated or trampled on", after two years since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the crisis with the West.


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