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Fierce 79 minutes and 88 hundredths of a second

Democratic candidate Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump faced off in a heated debate in Philadelphia, vying for electoral votes ahead of the United States presidential election in November.

Izvor: Tanjug

Fierce 79 minutes and 88 hundredths of a second
Tanjug/AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File


It was their first debate in the current campaign for a seat in the White House and their first meeting, and several times the candidates, despite the pre-set rules, tried to interrupt each other until their microphones were on and the other was speaking.

After the debate ended on ABC television, it was determined that Trump spoke for 42 minutes and 52 seconds, and Kamala Harris for 37 minutes and 36 seconds.

In her closing remarks, Harris pointed out that Trump and she have two very different visions for America. She stated that she is focused on the future, while Trump is focused on the past.

"We are not going back. We can chart a new path forward," Harris said.

Trump said that Harris, the current vice president of the United States, has been in power for almost four years and has done nothing of what she stands for.

"We cannot sacrifice our country for the sake of a bad vision. We are a nation that is failing and we are being laughed at all over the world," he said.

US economy

The first issue they discussed was the economy, and Harris said that the former president created unemployment and poor health care in the US during his tenure, as well as the "worst attack on democracy" since the American Civil War.

She said she believes Americans will be better off if she wins and has a plan to create an "opportunity economy."

She also made a number of criticisms of the way Trump has led the country economically, especially during the Covid pandemic.

"Donald Trump left us with the worst unemployment rate since the Great Depression. We cleaned up Donald Trump's mess," Harris said on an ABC television debate on the issue of the economy.

She said that Trump does not have a plan for American citizens, but that he is most interested in taking care of himself.

Trump, on the other hand, pointed out that during his mandate in the USA, inflation was the lowest, and that the highest inflation was created during the current administration of US President Joseph Biden.

"I created the greatest economy in the history of our country and I will do it again, even better," Trump said, adding that the Democrats do not have a good economic plan. He denied that the US sold microchips to China during his term, saying that the US doesn't even make them anymore.

"Everything that Kamala Harris believed in about the economy three or four years ago is now gone. She's taking my ideas now, so much so that I should send her my MAGA (Make America great again) hat," Trump said.

Harris said she intends to cut taxes for young families as well as provide a $50,000 tax break for small businesses, arguing that Trump wants to cut taxes for billionaires and large corporations.

On the other hand, Trump announced that he will introduce tariffs on other countries.

Abortion rights

When it comes to abortion rights, Trump accused Democrats of wanting to allow abortion in the ninth month of pregnancy.

"There is no state in the United States where it is legal to kill a baby after it is born," said the moderator after Trump said that some states allow the "killing" of babies after birth.

Harris reminded that Trump appointed three Supreme Court justices who overturned the right to abortion two years ago in the US.

"You're saying that's what people wanted?" she said, adding that "women are bleeding out in the car in the parking lot" because they can't have an abortion.

War in Ukraine

Speaking about the war in Ukraine, Trump said that it is necessary to end it, saying that he knows the presidents of Russia and Ukraine, Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky, adding that both of them "respect him very much".

"I will talk to both of them, and make them sit down and come to an agreement. (US President Joseph) Biden didn't know how to talk to Putin and now millions are dead. It leads to the Third World War, and now we don't even know where our president is. He doesn't even know if he's alive,'' Trump said during a debate with Democratic candidate Kamala Harris on ABC television.

He added that it is in the interest of the US to end the war. Trump stated that Russia has nuclear weapons, but no one is talking about it.

"He may or may not use it, but he has it." Putin went to war because Harris is a bad negotiator,'' he said. Kamala Harris said that Putin is trying to threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, pointing out that the Biden administration managed to "bring together 50" countries to help Ukraine in the war against Russia.

"We gave them tanks, artillery and planes, and that's why Ukraine still exists and stands proud. If Donald Trump were president, Putin would be sitting in Kyiv right now. On Putin's agenda is not only Ukraine, but also Poland,'' said Harris.

She made the claim that Putin is "a dictator who will eat Trump for lunch."

On the other hand, Trump said that Harris is "the worst vice president in history and claimed that she failed to prevent the war between Ukraine and Russia before the invasion.

Conflict in the Middle East

When it comes to the conflict in the Middle East, Kamala Harris said that Israel has the right to self-defense, but that it is necessary to see how it defends itself, since the USA would also defend itself in a similar situation.

"It is true that Hamas terrorists killed 12,000 mostly young people. But the truth is that too many innocent Palestinians have been killed,'' Harris said during a pre-election debate with Republican candidate Donald Trump on ABC television.

When asked what she would do about it, she said that an agreement on a ceasefire and the return of the hostages was needed.

"I will always give Israel the ability to defend itself, but we also need a two-state solution," Harris said, adding that Iran must defend itself against Iran and its proxies.

Trump said that neither the war in the Gaza Strip nor the war in Ukraine would have started if he had been the US president.

"During the time of Trump, Iran was poor because of our sanctions, and now all their sanctions have been lifted. Now they have proxy money, Iran is now a rich nation. I will stop both wars if elected, and before I enter office,'' Trump said, adding that Harris ''hates'' both Israel and the Arab population.

Migration issue

On the issue of immigration, Harris said that during her time as a judge, she condemned people smugglers at the US border, adding that Trump rejected a Bill that would have deployed more border guards.

Trump said that millions of people have entered the US and that this has led to an increase in crime.

"Millions of people have come in, and crime is falling all over the world. And here it breaks through the ceiling. It's called immigrant crime,'' Trump said.

Trump made the claim that migrants ate pets in Springfield, Ohio.

"They eat dogs. They eat the pets of the people who live there," he said.

The moderator responded by saying that the city authorities say that there is no evidence for this.

"Well, I saw people on TV saying 'my dog ​​was taken and used for food,'" Trump replied.

At one point, Kamala Harris attacked Trump for his alleged criminal past in response to his claims about "migrant crimes."

"It is interesting that this is being said by someone who has been prosecuted for crimes against national security, economic crimes, interference in elections," she said.

"These are fake cases," Trump retorted. Trump repeated during the debate that in 2020 he won the election of the current head of the White House, Joseph Biden, and that, as he claims, there is a lot of evidence for that.

Attack on the Capitol

Speaking about the riots on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, when Trump called on his supporters to express their dissatisfaction with the outcome of the election, he said he told them to do so "peacefully and patriotically" arguing that his speech at the time did not cause the violence that followed.

When asked by the moderator of the debate if he regrets anything he did that day, Trump replied that he "had nothing to do with it."


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