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Details of the horror: A boy opens fire in school, four dead, a phone call preceded

Four people, including two students and two teachers, were killed and nine people were wounded and hospitalized in a shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia, CNN reported.

Izvor: Tanjug

Details of the horror: A boy opens fire in school, four dead, a phone call preceded
Tanjug/AP Photo/Mike Stewart


"The police received a call about an attacker with a firearm at the school around 10:20 a.m., and officers arrived at the scene within a few minutes. When they encountered the attacker, he immediately surrendered and was taken into custody,'' said Director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation Chris Hosey.

The gunman, identified as Cody Gray, 14, a junior at the high school, is in custody and will be charged with murder and tried as an adult, Hosey added.

Multiple police sources said that the school received a threat by phone shortly before the attack, when an unknown person said that Winder School would be the first of five schools where a shooting was planned.

Police officials told CNN that it is not known who made the call, but that the call is being investigated.


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