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Sirskyi issued the order: Blow them up? Russians killed NATO instructors?

War in Ukraine - Day 923rd: Russian forces carried out an air attack on the university building in Suma, the regional military administration announced.


Sirskyi issued the order: Blow them up? Russians killed NATO instructors?


The Russians announced: Destroyed MLRS and HIMARS

Russians killed NATO instructors?

The Poltava Military Institute, which was the target of the attack, was a base where foreign instructors held classes, Kherson Oblast Governor Vladimir Saldo said in an interview with Sputnik at the Eastern Economic Forum.

The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the attack on the Institute of Military Communications in Poltava amounted to dozens of soldiers, the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced.

The latest footage from Lviv

The number of people killed in the Russian missile attack on the Ukrainian city of Lviv rose to five, and 38 people were injured, Mayor Andriy Sadovyi announced.

Regional Governor Maksim Kozicki previously stated that three people were killed in the attack, including a 14-year-old girl, and that 25 people were wounded.

In the attack on Lviv, residential buildings were set on fire, and two schools were damaged, reports Ukrinform.

Sirskyi issued the order: Blow them up?

The commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Sirskyi, before the attack on the Kursk region, gave the soldiers the task to break into the Kursk nuclear power plant and plant explosives, said Ukrainian soldier Mykhailo Škoda from the 82nd brigade of the assault-landing forces of Ukraine, who was captured by the Russian army.

As he said, Sirskyi addressed the units that were preparing to invade the Kursk region and said that they should quickly break into the territory of the nuclear power plant.

The soldiers later asked the commanders why they needed a nuke.

"They said: 'We want to give the Russians a surprise, to plant explosives'. We ask: 'What kind of explosives? We will all fly into the air and die of radiation'. They explained that they will pull us out of there, there will be Russian forces, again will occupy its territory, and then the bomb will be activated remotely and everything will fly into the air. Ukraine will accuse Russia of having caused the explosion itself," Škoda said.


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