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The former head of the CIA who ordered the killing of Bin Laden: Trump is dangerous for America

Leon Panetta, former CIA chief under Barack Obama, issued a warning about Donald Trump during the Democratic National Convention.


The former head of the CIA who ordered the killing of Bin Laden: Trump is dangerous for America


Former CIA Director Leon Panetta mentioned US presidential candidate Donald Trump, saying he poses a significant threat to global security if re-elected in November.

Speaking on stage before Kamala Harris accepted her party's nomination, Panetta told Democrats that "he's telling tyrants, like Putin, they can do whatever they want."

During his speech at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night, Panetta delivered a damning assessment of the Republican presidential nominee.

Panetta, during his time as head of the Central Intelligence Agency in 2011, directed a special operation to eliminate Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan.

The former head of the CIA warned that if Trump returns to the post of US president, he will "abandon allies and isolate America".
"Trump is telling tyrants, like Putin, that they can do whatever they want. Kamala Harris is telling tyrants, 'Hell, you can! Not while I'm here,'" Leon Panetta said.

The 86-year-old, who served as defense secretary from 2011 to 2013 during his last role in the White House, continued to recall his experiences eliminating Osama Bin Laden.

"I am proud to have served in the military, in Congress, in the White House, as chief of staff, as director of the CIA, as secretary of defense," Panetta added.

"I looked into the eyes of our warriors and deployed them for battle. I ordered our special operations forces to fly two helicopters about 150 miles to Abbottabad at night and, by sunrise, Osama Bin Laden was dead," Panetta explained. seemed to be an action, writes the Mirror.

"Because no one can attack our country and get away," Leon said in response to why he ordered the killing of Bin Laden.
Before Vice President Kamala Harris officially accepted the party's nomination, Panetta gave a speech.

"This is what our warriors do. Our warriors need a strong, cool head to defend our democracy from tyrants and terrorists, we need Kamala Harris," he appealed to the citizens.

"She knows a tyrant when she sees one, and our allies know a leader when they see one," he added.

He also spoke about her strong political career, including her prominent role on the Senate Intelligence Committee and as Vice Chairman, interacting with over 150 global chiefs.

Describing Harris's diplomatic stance, he said, "She looked our allies in the eye and said, 'America's got your back.'"

He also expressed a cautious view on Trump's foreign policy.

"Trump would abandon our allies and isolate America. We tried that in the 1930s, and it was stupid and dangerous then, and it's stupid and dangerous now," Panetta concluded.


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