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Europe in panic; A warning has arrived: The danger is at its highest point

European anti-terrorist units and counter-intelligence services have successfully intercepted at least four planned terrorist attacks allegedly carried out by recently arrived migrants.


Europe in panic; A warning has arrived: The danger is at its highest point


Moreover, the competent services claim that the threat of a terrorist attack is not only at its highest point since 2015, but this time it is also coming from new sources, which are considerably more difficult to predict and intercept.

Unlike the wave of attacks that plunged the Old Continent into black a little less than ten years ago, when the greatest risk came from the so-called Islamic State, this time the threat comes from newly arrived and poorly organized but well-armed migrants, as reported by the Wall Street Journal.

European counter-terrorism services fear that Iran is using the increased influx of migrants to smuggle its own terrorists across the border. Let us recall that most of the perpetrators of the terrorist attack on Paris in November 2015 came to Europe from Syria and Iraq in the migrant wave of that year.

In 2023 alone, more than a million migrants applied for asylum in the EU, which is the highest percentage since 2015.

Smaller and poorly organized groups that European authorities have reason to believe act as affiliates of Hamas or Hezbollah (and therefore Iran), in addition to using online activism to encourage Europeans to protest the war in Gaza, thereby spreading anti-Semitism under the guise of of anti-Zionism, are planning a series of terrorist attacks not only on Jewish communities across the EU, but also on places where large numbers of people gather in European capitals.

As part of the investigation completed in December 2023, the Austrian and Bosniak police intercepted two separate groups of Afghan and Syrian refugees, who set off on a long and uncertain journey with Kalashnikovs, automatic rifles and pistols. Photographs of potential targets were later found on their mobile phones; Israeli Jews with European addresses.

In the same month, the German Federal Police intercepted a group of Tajik suspects who were allegedly preparing coordinated terrorist attacks on Christmas Day itself on the packed cathedrals of Cologne and Vienna.

Just a few days later, Italy arrested three Palestinians, members of the infamous al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade group, who were also planning an attack on European capitals.

At the end of 2023, the German police, thanks to raids across the country, managed to locate members and sympathizers of Hamas who were planning to attack nearby Jewish communities, and at least four suspects were arrested in that operation.

Federal prosecutors have determined in an investigation that German Hamas fighters buried weapons underground several years ago, but the exact location of their underground storage bunker has not yet been found.

Earlier that year, an attempted bombing of a synagogue in the city of Bochum was successfully thwarted, allegedly directly behind the Iranian government.

In 2021, Sweden arrested Iranian agents who arrived with the migrant wave in 2015 with the task of liquidating prominent leaders of the Jewish community.

Pretending to be refugees from Afghanistan, the duo applied for asylum in Sweden in 2015, which was only granted two years later. Anti-terrorist units have reason to suspect that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is behind the couple in question.


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