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Putin made a decision: The third phase has begun

Russian army announced the launch of the third phase of exercises for the deployment of non-strategic nuclear weapons, during which the issues of preparing units of the Russian Federation's Armed Forces for the combat use of these weapons will be worked out.

Izvor: Tanjug

Putin made a decision: The third phase has begun


"In accordance with the decision of the President of the Russian Federation, the third phase of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear power has begun," announced the Ministry of Defense.

Soldiers from the Southern and Central Military Districts will be trained on how to deploy dummy warheads for operational and tactical Iskander-M missile systems and covertly move them to launch sites, the ministry added.

"The current phase of the exercise is aimed at maintaining the readiness of the personnel and equipment of the combat use units of Russia's non-strategic nuclear weapons to carry out combat tasks," the ministry said.

According to Interfax, during the first and second phases, issues of preparation of units of the Southern and Leningrad Military Districts, units of the Aerospace Forces and the Navy for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons were resolved.

Russia held the first phase of exercises in May, and Belarus joined the second phase in June.


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