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Russia moving to NATO? The commander spoke up

The Russian army is getting stronger and the threat from it is growing, said Bundeswehr Chief of Staff Carsten Breuer. "We see that the Russian army is moving towards the West," Breuer said.


Russia moving to NATO? The commander spoke up


In five to eight years, Moscow's armed forces could be materially and personally able to attack NATO territory, he told Sächsische Zeitung.

The assessments, he added, are based on military analyses, the findings of intelligence services and allied armed forces, as well as the statements of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"The Russian military produces 1,000 to 1,500 additional tanks every year. The five largest European NATO member states only have half (of that) in stock," Breuer said.

The Bundeswehr, he added, has about 300 tanks.

"If this capability (military) is combined with intent, which can definitely be read from Putin's speeches, it should wake us up. My job is to think about such a worst-case scenario. For the Bundeswehr, this means that we must be prepared for this possibility for five years," said the Chief of the General Staff of the German Army.

Breuer pointed out that he does not see any indication of the US military distancing itself from Europe.

He also reckons that Donald Trump, if he becomes president again, will be able to recognize the value of NATO.

He recalled that while Trump was in the White House, he "brutally" made it known to Europe that it had to strengthen its contribution to the alliance, which happened at the latest after Russia attacked Ukraine.

Compared to the year 2020, when only two or three NATO members reached the alliance's guideline of investing at least two percent of the gross domestic product in defense, now more than 20 countries of the alliance do so.


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