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Trump made a crucial move and avoided certain death; New footage of the assassination VIDEO

Donald Trump was holding a campaign rally in Pennsylvania yesterday, and then shots were heard.

Izvor: telegraf

Trump made a crucial move and avoided certain death; New footage of the assassination VIDEO
Tanjug/AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar


One of the attendees managed to film Trump from behind, where it is clearly seen that he avoided certain death with one accidental move.

Namely, as can be seen in the aforementioned video, while the presidential candidate was speaking, a shot was heard, he then looked around, grabbed his ear and saw blood, and then knelt down and protected himself from the shooting.

Members of the Secret Service quickly went on stage and protected Trump with their bodies, after which they left the stage, and the gathered crowd whistled at the attacker, and then shouted "USA, USA, USA".

Just to recall that the shooting of Donald Trump took place on Saturday afternoon at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

The gunman fired multiple shots from an "elevated position" outside the gathering before he was killed by the Secret Service, the agency said.

Police sources say that the attacker was on the roof of the building.

Video footage shows Trump being quickly led away by security with blood on his face.


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