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Trump's first statement from the hospital: Here's how he's doing

US presidential candidate Donald Trump announced today, after the alleged attempt to assassinate him during a rally in Pennsylvania, that he is feeling well and is being monitored at a medical facility.


Trump's first statement from the hospital: Here's how he's doing
Tanjug/AP Photo/Evan Vucci


Trump's staff also emphasized that he is feeling well, and relayed his words.

"President Trump thanks law enforcement for their swift action during this heinous act," spokesman Steven Cheung said in a statement.

He is doing well and being monitored at a local medical facility. More details will follow.

As a reminder, Secret Service agents removed Trump from the stage in the city of Butler after shots rang out through the crowd.

Trump was showing a chart when the shots rang out. Trump then grabbed his neck, while he had bloody marks on his face.

The White House announced that President Joe Biden received information about this incident.


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