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Serbia's betrayal that the Greeks will not forgive: "It is unfortunate..."

Two former prime ministers and leaders of the New Democracy, Adonis Samaras and Kostas Karamanlis, harshly criticized the Greek government, as well as Dora Bakoyanni, writes the correspondent of Belgrade's Politika.

Izvor: RT Balkan

Serbia's betrayal that the Greeks will not forgive: "It is unfortunate..."
Shutterstock/Dragan Mujan


They presented these criticisms at a ceremony on the occasion of the publication of the book "Secret Documents of Karamanlis" in Athens.

Mitsotakis's government received harsh criticism due to its defeat in the elections for the European Parliament, its weak foreign policy towards the EU, which, as it was said, "lost its compass and fell into a serious crisis", reported the Russian portal Russia Today Balkan.

Adonis Samaras, Prime Minister from 2012 to 2015, an experienced politician who also served as Minister of Finance, Diplomacy and Culture, criticized everything in turn, while Karamanlis referred primarily to national issues.

Samaras again criticized Dora Bakoyanni, who was present at the meeting, for the resolution on the reception of the so-called of Kosovo to the Council of Europe, repeating the previously expressed opinion that "her report does not represent Greece, nor the country's culture and traditions".

Samaras expressed concern about the uncontrolled rise in prices and reminded that the country's position on the national level is dramatic, because insults are coming from all sides - from the residents of Skopje, through Albanians to Turkish friends. He once again referred to the same-sex marriage law, which he believes has divided the nation, and recalled that when he spoke out against such a decision in parliament, the members of the New Democracy did not want to listen to him.

Karamanlis, who was prime minister from 2004 to 2009, was softer in his condemnation of Mitsotakis's government, but warned that clear messages should be sent to Skopje and Tirana, not to be lulled into improved relations with Turkey because, as he said, "Ankara has a clear goal of reshaping the region, directly threatening Greece and Cyprus."

"It is unfortunate and dangerous if the government does not see and does not react to the dissatisfaction of the people. If they think they are always right, then the situation is more than dramatic," said Karamanlis.

Referring to the EU, he criticized the European leaders and emphasized that the elections for the European Parliament and in France are proof that Europe is facing a deep crisis, unable to play an active role in the events in Ukraine, in the Middle East, with the danger of a serious escalation in the West Balkans, because, as he said, "the problem of Kosovo has no solution, and nationalism in the region is growing".

He believes that Greek society is also in crisis and warns the government to be careful because the recent results of the EP elections, in which 60 percent of citizens did not turn out, are a big slap in the face for the political system.

Speaking about the decision to recognize same-sex marriages, he reminded that the government's excessive self-confidence in the correctness of its decisions can lead to distance from the reality of society and that in this particular case it is a legal provision that offends the feelings of all those who believe in the family values.

The government distanced itself from criticism by stating that it does not want to comment on the views of former prime ministers, while Bakoyanni said that she does not see that the government has a problem, and that Samaras' dissatisfaction stems from his dissatisfaction with the fact that he is no longer counted on.


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