World 2



Pashinyan "growls": You won't go to Belarus

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated that no Armenian official will visit Belarus as long as Alexander Lukashenko is in power in that country.

Izvor: Novosti,

Pashinyan "growls": You won't go to Belarus


Pashinyan said on Wednesday that Yerevan would leave the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) after accusing its members, including Belarus, of plotting war against Armenia along with Azerbaijan, Reuters reports. Pashinyan said that he will change his position only if Belarus apologizes to Armenia or withdraws from the aforementioned security bloc.

Pashinyan, let's recall, said that the CSTO had failed Armenia, which is why he made the decision to freeze Armenia's participation in that security bloc.

As he pointed out, Armenia can no longer rely on Russia as a reliable defense partner. Those words, as stated by many, meant stabbing Russian President Vladimir Putin in the back.

It is known that Russian President, according to his own words, does not forgive treason, so the question arises as to what kind of punishment Pashinyan will receive.

For years, Armenia considered Nagorno-Karabakh as its territory, it had its own administration there, in which it was wholeheartedly helped by Russia, which was also the mediator between the conflicting parties.

But when Russia turned to the war in Ukraine, Armenia was no longer in the focus of the Russian president and they lost Nagorno-Karabakh, which the Azerbaijani authorities entered and practically carried out the exodus of the Armenian population.


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