World 2



War's ready? Germans were warned, while hospitals were told: Get ready, if the Russians attack...

German newspaper Bild published the alleged plan of their government in the event of a large-scale armed conflict with Russia.

Izvor: Jutarnji list

War's ready? Germans were warned, while hospitals were told: Get ready, if the Russians attack...


According to this plan, allied NATO forces will be transferred via Germany to NATO's eastern flank. German Bundeswehr forces themselves will also be in the area.

However, the plan directly states that in the event of a simultaneous attack by Russia on several locations, the state will not be able to help everyone, that is, people will have to be prepared to deal with the difficulties themselves.

In case of bombing, civilians are advised to use shelters, underground parking lots and subways. The authorities also reserve the right to evacuate certain parts of the country, but family separation will not be allowed.

As it is also stated, hospitals must be ready to receive a large number of patients for a long period of time.

According to Bild, the plan includes a ban on the dissolution of parliament while "Germany defends itself".

In addition, the country could also face food shortages during the war, so food distribution regulations could be introduced, and the government could store wheat, rye, and oats in secret locations.

The government will also have "emergency stocks", namely rice, pulses and condensed milk, in order to ensure the population one hot meal a day.

The newspaper adds that the German authorities reserve the right to oblige companies to produce goods exclusively for military needs. Also, if the situation in the country worsens, military service will be reinstated, that is, residents can be called up to the army at any time.

People over the age of 18 may be forced to do certain jobs, for example in post offices, bakeries or as medical staff. It says the current conflict plan is actually a revised version of a similar plan from 1989.

Let us recall that German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said on Wednesday that Germany should prepare for war against Russia by 2029.


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