World 2



Putin and Dodik met VIDEO

President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Saint Petersburg.

Izvor: Novosti

Putin and Dodik met VIDEO


"I warmly welcome you to St. Petersburg. We met not so long ago in Kazan on the sidelines of a sports event. Now you have accepted our invitation and will participate in the work of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum," Putin said at the beginning of the conversation.

The meeting is taking place on the sidelines of the International Economic Forum.

During Dodik's visit, the Manifestation Plan for the implementation of the list of priority areas of cooperation between the Government of St. Petersburg and the Republic of Srpska for the period from 2024 to 2026 will be signed, as well as the Memorandum on Cooperation between the Government of the Ivanovo Region and the Government of the Republic of Srpska.

President of the Republic of Srpska will be presented with a medal for the development of cooperation on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the "B.N. Yeltsin" Presidential Library.

During the visit, and at the invitation of the general director of the Alexandrinsky Theater, Sergej Yemeljanov, Dodik will give a speech as part of the session "Development of cultural diplomacy".


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