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Brutal attack in Germany: Stabbed politician, gruesome footage released VIDEO

There was a brutal knife attack in Mannheim today.

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Brutal attack in Germany: Stabbed politician, gruesome footage released VIDEO
Tanjug/Rene Priebe/dpa via AP


One victim is Islamic critic Michael Sturzenberger (59), who allegedly previously participated in a rally organized by the German anti-jihad group "Citizens' Movement PAX Europe".

Shocking footage shows a man armed with a large knife lunging at another man before they both fall to the floor. The enraged attacker stabbed his victim several times in the face, neck and chest.

Other men dressed in blue, who appeared to be part of the rally, tried to pull the attacker away from his victim.

The victim appears to have been stabbed in the leg and face. Blood spilled out of the hole in his jeans and dripped near his eyes on his face.

The officer tripped in the chaos and crouched as the attacker continued his rampage, stabbing the officer in the back and side. Another policeman pointed a gun at the attacker, who fell to the ground as a shot rang out in the Mannheim market.

Local media reports that the attacker was killed by the police, while the police statement only states that he was injured.

The attack happened during a rally for the BPE political group, which is known to have anti-Islamic views. According to initial reports, at least three people were injured, including a police officer.

Please be warned that the video contains disturbing content:

German police issued a statement

The Mannheim police announced today:

"According to current information, several people were attacked at the market in Mannheim today around 11:35 a.m. One person attacked several people with a knife and injured them. For now, no information can be given on the extent and severity of the injuries."

Firearms were then used against the assailant. The assailant was also injured.

The police added: "Rescue and emergency services, as well as a rescue helicopter, are involved in the operation. The public is not in danger."

Islamic critic Sturzenberger is a former media spokesperson of the Munich CSU, a recognized critic of Islam and a member of the Pax Europe organization, according to the civic movement's website.


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