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The forces deployed, the attack will be fierce; An important airport was hit

War in Ukraine – 809th day.

Izvor: B92

The forces deployed, the attack will be fierce; An important airport was hit
Shutterstock/Ivan Cholakov


Fifteen people were killed and 20 injured when part of a block of flats in Belgorod collapsed after being hit by fragments of a downed Soviet-era missile.

Strong Russian attacks on Kharkiv region, street fighting in Volchansk.

General Staff of Ukraine: During the battle for Volchansk, Russia achieved a tactical success

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced that heavy fighting with Russian forces continues in the Kharkiv direction and that the situation is changing dynamically.

The Ukrainian General Staff states that the fighting for the city of Volchansk is ongoing and that Russia has currently achieved a tactical success.

"Fighting is underway for the border town of Volchansk. The enemy has deployed significant forces to attack the town, up to five battalions, and does not care about its own losses," the statement said, as reported by Unian.

19 people died in the attack on Belgorod

In the Ukrainian shelling of Belgorod on May 12, a total of 19 people were killed, while 27 were wounded, announced the governor of the region Vyacheslav Gladkov.

A new assessment of Russian losses on the frontlines

An important airport in Mirgorod was hit

Russian armed forces targeted the military airport in the city of Mirgorod in the Poltava region, which was used for attacks on Belgorod, said the coordinator of the pro-Russian resistance movement in Mykolaiv, Sergei Lebedev.

As he specified, the airport was hit twice, strong explosions were heard.

"According to preliminary information, a group of some very important military officials came under attack," added Lebedev.

According to pro-Russian guerrillas, Ukrainian aviation used that airport for recent attacks on Belgorod and Donbass. The 831st Tactical Aviation Brigade is based on it.


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