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96 bullets in 41 seconds VIDEO

Four Chicago police officers shot suspect Dexter Reed 96 times in 41 seconds after the 26-year-old suspect opened fire on them when they stopped him for not wearing a seat belt, the Office for Civilian Police Accountability said.

Izvor: Tanjug

96 bullets in 41 seconds VIDEO
Tanjug/AP Photo/Matt Rourke


Newly released footage reveals the chaos that took place in Chicago's Garfield Park neighborhood in the shooting that killed Reed, raising questions about whether officers used excessive force, CNN reported.

While a preliminary investigation suggests the driver first opened fire on the officers, his family and lawyers are questioning why plainclothes officers burst into his car with guns drawn and fired dozens of shots at him.

The fatal encounter between the police and a 26-year-old African-American man took place on March 21.

In the video, an officer wearing a hooded jacket, baseball cap and a tactical vest with a badge can be seen approaching the driver of a white vehicle with tinted windows.

"Open the window. Open the window," the officer tells the driver. Reed opened the window, but then closed it.

"What are you doing? Don't close the window. Don't close the window," the policeman then says.

A few seconds later, the shooting begins.

After the shooting ended, Reed's body was found lying face down behind the vehicle.

"He started shooting at us," the officer said in one of the videos.

One officer was shot in the wrist during the shooting and was hospitalized and is in good condition, police said.

Now multiple agencies are investigating whether the police response was justified.

Reed's family members and their lawyers said they could not understand why the officers, several of whom were in plainclothes with tactical vests, surrounded his car with guns drawn.

It is not yet known if any of the officers involved in the shooting will face criminal charges, Cook County State's Attorney Kim Fox said.


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