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Blockade. Americans are determined

The United States blocked a UN Security Council statement proposed by Algeria and supported by Arab countries.

Izvor: Tanjug

Blockade. Americans are determined


The report would blame Israeli forces for opening fire on Palestinians waiting for food and other humanitarian aid deliveries near Gaza City and killing more than 100 people.

Palestinian Ambassador to the UN Riyad Mansour told reporters after an emergency closed session of the UN Security Council that 14 out of 15 Security Council members supported the statement, according to AP.

The United States did not support the statement, and the deputy US ambassador Robert Wood, when asked by a journalist why the US made such a decision, replied that not all the facts about the incident were known.

Wood added that there are conflicting reports and that the US is trying to gather all the facts, including "the circumstances surrounding how people died".

According to him, diplomats are working to "see if something can be found that everyone can agree on".

The media office of the Palestinian Authority in Hamas-controlled Gaza announced yesterday that 104 Palestinians were killed and 700 others wounded in Israeli military strikes while they were waiting for aid trucks in Gaza City.


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