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Sirens, closed roads and tunnels: Tractors paralyzed the city VIDEO

Protests by farmers are taking place again in Brussels, protesting against cheap imports.

Izvor: Tanjug

Sirens, closed roads and tunnels: Tractors paralyzed the city VIDEO


Oni su sa traktorima ušli u grad, a prema rečima portparolke policije Ilse van de Kir u Evropskom kvartu se nalazi najmanje 300 traktora, koji su blokirali i okolne ulice, prenosi Tajms of Brisel.

U gradu se čuju sirene i zapaljeno je nekoliko dimnih bombi, a Ilse van de Kir kaže da je situacija u ovom trenutku mirna i da je više stotina policajaca raspoređeno u Evropskom kvartu i na kritičnim tačkama i ulaznim putevima.

Zatvoreno je i nekoliko tunela, puteva i metro stanica.

Agencija AP prenosi da su poljoprivrednici napravili betonske barijere i da su bodljikavim žicama okružili sedište Evropske unije, da su traktori okićeni zastavama i sa transparentima, kao i da neki od njih bacaju gume ispred ulaza u zgradu EU.

Sirens, closed roads and tunnels: Tractors paralyzed the city VIDEO

A meeting of the ministers of agriculture of the European Union is being held in Brussels today, and the main protest is planned in front of the headquarters of the Union at 11 a.m.

For several weeks, farmers have been campaigning against what they say are too strict European environmental rules and falling incomes and are asking the European Union to withdraw from the free trade agreement, and specifically on Monday the focus is on the Mercosur agreement with South American countries, which aims to allow cheap products in the foreign markets.

Farmers are also asking for markets to be regulated to guarantee fair and stable prices, a full agricultural and food policy to support agro-ecological practices and adjustments to the nitrogen regulation.


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