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A strong military power raised aircrafts, sent ships; Another power deploys missiles; Will there be a new war?

Taiwanese authorities have spotted 59 Chinese aircraft around the island in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Defense in Taipei announced this morning.

Izvor: Tanjug,

A strong military power raised aircrafts, sent ships; Another power deploys missiles; Will there be a new war?


Nine ships and two balloons were registered around Taiwan in the same period.

The planes and ships were spotted days after Taiwan's President Lai Ching-te called China a "hostile foreign power".

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the actions were "a serious warning to separatist forces advocating independence in Taiwan."

Japan is slowly getting ready...

Japan is considering deploying long-range missiles on the southwestern island of Kyushu as part of the country's efforts to acquire "counter-strike capabilities" and to hit enemy targets in the event of an emergency, Japanese government sources have confirmed.

The deployment, which is expected to begin at the end of the next fiscal year in March 2026, is aimed at strengthening security on Nansei Island in the country's southwest, strategically important due to its proximity to Taiwan.

Japanese authorities are evaluating possible deployment sites for the missiles, which have a range of 1,000 kilometers, and local residents are worried they could be targeted by enemy attacks, sources told the Kyodo news agency.

Deploying long-range missiles on the island of Kyushu would include North Korea and China's coastal areas within their range.

China's ready?

Recently, a video appeared on social networks, albeit for a short time, showing newly built Chinese landing barges that, according to analysts, could be used in the invasion of Taiwan.

A video of the barge, shared on the Chinese social network WeChat, shows three vessels supported by retractable poles in shallow waters. After a few minutes, the video was removed from the social network.

The barges appeared to be connected in an unbroken line, with the leading ship's ramp extended over the shore.

Naval News reports that these ships could be attached to the rear of landing barges, allowing for the rapid transfer of tanks and other vehicles.

Also, China secured the support of 70 countries in the UN for tougher action against Taiwan.

The People's Republic of China needs that consent because, after a possible attack on the democratic island nation, Taiwan's allies would surely want to pass a resolution in the United Nations condemning the war effort. With the support gathered, such a resolution would probably have much less chance of a majority than it has so far.


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